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***Disclaimer:  The information contained herein is not to be construed as medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition or guarantee birth outcomes; nor should they be taken as a substitute for medical advice from a licensed physician***

Virtuous Offerings Womb Spa

Womb vapHer©

{herbal vaginal steam} $65 (35min)

Womb vapHer or herbal vaginal steaming has been used for thousands of years dating back to Ancient Egipt. It is a method of uterine care that uses the essence of herbs and water creating moisturized healing nutrients that seep into the soft tissues to the blood stream circulating through the body. Womb vapHer balances vaginal pH, supports reproductive health, tone and cleanses uterus, increases oxygen and blood circulation, decreases heavy menses, restore hormonal balance, reduces inflammation, shrinks fibroids and cysts, vaginal dryness, headache relief, stress relief, calming, brings mental clarity, enhances your Goddess Innergy.

Herbs are custom picked for each client. 

Navel Candling            $19 (10 min)​

This abdominal and navel therapy belongs to the oldest form of therapy within the traditional Malay medicine.

An herb infused Navel candle is placed in the belly button and lit, this effectively relieves the body's lymphatic drainage system, stomachache, endocrine disorder and digestive problems caused by irregular diets. The abdomen houses vital organs and is a very important part of the body.

Womb Energy Healing {Reiki}        $75 

Reiki is energy healing. Everything gives off vibrational energy. Within the body are chakras, which are energy fields constantly in motion. Stagnation in these areas can reveal pain and traumas. Womb Reiki balances our center, our womb which resonates outward to all areas of the body; also harmonizing and energizing our reproductive organs.

Created by Sat-Ra SoDaye' founder of the Yoni Steam Institute

Womb Wrap Detox and Stimulation  $55 (15 min)

Providing gentle strokes along with the use of organic oils, herbs and a clay pack pulls toxins out from the womb area. As the clay expands it pulls toxins up and absorbs them. Detox helps reduce fibroids and cysts, tones abdomen, increases oxygen and blood circulation to the uterus, fights viruses & intestinal parasites, and relieves spiritual womb distress. 

Virtuous Offerings Womb Spa {V.O.W.S.} SpaRitual Services assist to magnify your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health by applying traditional practices that promote constructive growth to achieve your optimal fertility and womb health.

V.O.W.S. Wholistic Womb SpaRitual Services:

  • Promotes harmony within the body by exciting the senses

  • Focuses on breathing and movement

  • Aids in enhancing female sensuality

  • Rids the body of toxins and regulates the body systems

  • Centers on restoring the womb condition  


Remember, healing is a choice; changing your habits is a choice; changing your environment is a choice; changing your mind is a choice; so let’s make it today, Together!

Womb Yoga                          $20 (1hr)

Womb Yoga is the practice of honoring the Sacred Womb through owning your Goddess Innergy; utilizing energizing and balancing postures from Ancient Egipt; affirmations and meditation in addition to breath work in coordination with movement. We focus on the feminine energies from our ancient ancestors who were Cosmic Forces; Goddesses who presented as Mothers, Nurturers, Warriors, Animals, Elements and Spirits.  We call forth Ma’at, the Divine Mother of Ancient Egipt. We dedicate this practice to the Goddess Power that lives in us through herstorical channels, rooted in our cellular structure, our DNA...

Created by Mama Sanovia SoDaye'

Yoni Steam Institue (sanoviamu@att.nett)

Group Sessions $10/person with 5 or more


Additional experiences:

-Gemstone Therapy 

-Sound Therapy





-Altar work

-Guided Meditation

-Ancestral Life Readings

-Full Moon Gatherings

-New Moon Gatherings

-Princess to Goddess Rites of Passage Ceremony

-Wellness Circles


It's the Goddess Way:

Herbal Vaginal Steam Workshop

Join us in this informative and interactive workshop discussing the benefits of vaginal steaming right in the comofrot of your own home! 

Click HERE to view the event page and see details to sign up!

© 2014 by POTW



Birth Workers

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