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Homebirth Package

Click HERE to learn more

Beginning January 2017 this package will not be offered without a Homebirth Midwife present.

Welcome to POTW Pregnancy & Postpartum Services!

As a mother who has experienced varying degrees of birth from cesarean to vbac, from hospital to home, from assisted to unassisted birth; each package is designed to meet a specific need for your desired birth outcome.

We look forward to being a part of a magical & transformative time with your family.

Check out my blog spot for my birth story!

Postpartum Package

Click HERE to learn more

It is so important to have support after birth for those first precious days


Remember that the healthy birth of a child is PRICELESS.

My goal is to ensure that your needs come first and to always provide the necessary tools to help you have a divine birth experience.

You have been chosen as a vessel to embark on the most unique process of our existence; cherish the moment. We look forward to being a part of your family.


***Disclaimer:  The information contained herein is not to be construed as medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition or guarantee birth outcomes; nor should they be taken as a substitute for medical advice from a licensed physician***



Breastfeeding Support

New or Exptant Mothers, Fathers & Breastfeeding Supporters!

Learn & share with your peers about the awesome benefits of breastmilk in a breastfeeding-friendly environment!

Join our next ROSE Baby Cafe'

See FLYER for more details!

Click HERE to learn more about support services

Oh Baby! 

Childbirth Preparation Series

New & Expecting Parents, Pre-conception Couples join us to learn evidence-based childbirth information in a birth friendly environment.

Various topics on childbirth will be discussed to assist in preparing you to "Birth with Confidence!"

Click HERE to know more

Accessible Doula Services

This service is rendered to those facing financial hardship and in need of pregnancy support services. 

Hospital Births Only.

Beginning February 2017

We offer complimentary services to two families per year.

Please contact us if you or someone you know is in need of this service.

Click HERE to learn more

Hospital Transfers

Click HERE to learn more

© 2014 by POTW



Birth Workers

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